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What happens when you purchase a session for yourself or another person?


When you purchase a session, Ihina receives a notice and contacts you via email, within 48 hours from the Paypal email. 

Appointments are scheduled at your convenience as well as the availability that Ihina has. Please be aware that there are times when her availability is very limited and she may be booked weeks in advance. 

If you are purchasing a session for another person, please make sure that you have their permission before purchasing a session. 

If you don't receive an email from Ihina within 48 hours, please email her. Some servers block emails they consider to be spam. Contact Ihina at 



•The only thing needed for the session is your name, date of birth (if possible), and location. No electronics are needed to receive the energy. 

Sessions are usually 45 - 60 minutes unless otherwise noted. 



What can you expect to feel from a session?


To receive the optimum benefits it is recommended that you are able to rest on a bed during the session. Please turn off any device that may ring or go off during the session. At that time you may feel many things or nothing at all. What you feel depends on your level of energy sensitivity. Some people feel tremors, vibrations, temperature changes, or at peace; others hear voices, see colors, or even fall asleep. Every person is different, and what is felt can vary from person to person.

What most people feel is a sense of lightness, peace, and an overall sense of feeling better.   



How do we confirm the Reiki session date/time?


You will receive a confirmation email containing the date/time of your session.

*If you miss your appointed time, no worries. Just rest, close your eyes and ask the Reiki energy to flow to you as soon as you are able to receive. The Reiki will still flow to you. 



Will I receive a reminder email before a session?


Ihina doesn't usually email the client before the session. The Reiki is sent to reach you as soon as you are set to receive. For most of you this is the appointment time, but if you missed or have an emergency you can still call in the energy in when you are ready. To do this, please lie down, close your eyes, relax, and ask that the Reiki energy that Ihina and The Guides sent reach you at this time. The energy will flow to you then and there.  



What happens after a Reiki Session?


After a session, drink extra water, you should drink at least 1-2 glasses of water to help move all the blocked energy that was released. Rest is highly recommended for the next few hours. 

An email will be sent on what Ihina picked up from your energy fields within 48 hours of receiving the session. 



How is Reiki Sent?

The Reiki is sent via distance Reiki. No phone or electronic devices are needed to transmit the energy.


                                                                ~The Universe Has Your Back~

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